San Diego Dog Training Programs – We get results!

Our San Diego dog training programs are designed specifically for our clients and their dogs. We follow a consistent reward-based protocol, but behavior issues, lifestyle choices, and training goals are the key things that make up our customizable training plans for all dog owners in the San Diego area! Without following a cookie-cutter approach to training, we believe this increases our clients’ chances of success with their dogs. Our positive and balanced methods are not only backed by science and industry, but by our repertoire of results and happy clients.

Training programs cover nearly all behavior problems. Our puppy training program is for dogs 4 months or younger that need to get started on the right paw with some basics, such as potty training, good manners, appropriate leash behavior, socialization, etc. We also provide in-home training for basic obedience and behavior modification for dogs that need a little fundamental brush-up work, or exhibiting some behavior problems such as hyperactivity, anxiety, leash reactivity, etc. Those dogs with severe issues are also welcome to enlist in our training, including our aggressive dog training program, which handles any form of aggression, including toward humans.

Whatever behavioral issue your dog may be suffering from, we are ready to help! Call us to schedule a no-obligation in-home consultation and based on our training recommendations and your training goals, we’ll formulate the best and most effective training plan for you and your dog!

To learn more about of training programs, search through our website or call us directly at (619) 378-9688, or e-mail us with your inquiries using our contact form.